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"Music & other Muses"
A cycle of debates & workshops on the subject of what music has in common with theatre, dance, sports and language.
"Perhaps the principal thing I absorbed (...) from Harvard in general was a sense of interdisciplinary values - that the best way to "know" a thing is in the context of another discipline"
Leonard Bernstein "The Unanswered Question"
"This will change the way you listen to music" (Emmanuel Bigand)
Daniel Grosgurin
The OVATIONS project finishes in style at the end of 2024,
back where it started, at the Théâtre de Carouge,
on October 3, 2024 with the actor Gilles Privat.
Thus ends a beautiful adventure, a big thank you to all those who participated, the experts, the students and the public.
The website is maintained, with its informations, videos
and other testimonies. The publication of a book on interdisciplinary exchanges is planned for 2025
Find videos and reports of the workshop-debates carried out so far under the

The beginning of the adventure: first workshop-debate at "Théâtre de Carouge"
on November 10, 2014:
from l. to r. : Jacques Troeder, Jean Lhiermier,
Jean-Marc Binet, Daniel Grosgurin

Friendly moment after the last meeting,
at "Théâtre de Carouge"
on October 3, 2024
Gilles Privat, Jean-Marc Binet, Daniel Grosgurin
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